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Inspiring Future Hospitality Leaders at Flyover In Las Vegas

In the bustling city of Las Vegas, there exists a unique partnership that is shaping the future of our community. It all started with a simple idea—to give back and inspire young leaders of tomorrow.

Reece Westerlund, general manager at Flyover in Las Vegas, had always believed in the power of community and nurturing talent. When Shertlyn Torres San Juan and Nidia Frias, two aspiring students from the Academy of Hospitality and Tourism (AOHT) at Valley High School reached out to Westerlund for an opportunity to shadow her, little did they know it would mark the beginning of something remarkable.

As Westerlund welcomed Shertlyn and Nidia into her world at Flyover, she was deeply impressed by their enthusiasm and dedication. Witnessing their passion for the hospitality industry sparked an idea—to forge a partnership with Valley High School's Magnet program.

“Transitioning from being a student at Valley’s Academy of Hospitality and Tourism to working at Flyover, has been a rewarding journey. At the Academy they provided internship opportunities and I had a chance to intern for one day at Flyover with my friend Nidia. The Flyover team offered us two rides. I remember being scared because I’m scared of heights. I’m glad that regardless of that fear I got on because it was one of the best experiences I’ve had,” Torres San Juan recounts.

Student group shot at Flyover Las Vegas

Through this partnership, Flyover did not just gain team members, but exceptional individuals who brought a new level of work ethic, and energy to the team. Westerlund proudly acknowledges, "The impact has been immense—five team members from this program have joined us, enriching our team culture with their enthusiasm and dedication."

“My experience at Valley’s Academy of Hospitality and Tourism impacted and prepared me for my role at Flyover. When I started going in person during my sophomore year, I was a very quiet and shy person. You could not get me to talk in front of crowds and much less take any leadership roles,” Torres San Juan reflects.

Now President of AOHT, Torres San Juan’s growth has been remarkable. Reflecting on her journey, Westerlund shares, "Watching Shertlyn bloom over the past year has been truly inspiring. She embodies resilience and positivity—handling setbacks with grace and continuing to be a positive force within our team."

“During my sophomore year we had the opportunity to run a hotel using virtual business software which exposed me to different operation methods. This helped me understand operations. Later, I joined the leadership team for the program which introduced me to business partners and helped me build my professional network in Las Vegas,” says Torres San Juan.

Female students group shot at Flyover Las Vegas

When Westerlund participated in a leadership panel and Q&A session under the program, she saw firsthand how students like Shertlyn gained insights into the hospitality industry and leadership opportunities. Westerlund emphasizes, "Being a leader is a privilege to build others and create opportunities. Shertlyn embodies this spirit."

Westerlund and Torres San Juan 's story symbolizes the transformative impact of mentorship and community collaboration. Together, they inspire a new generation of hospitality leaders, paving the way for a brighter future in the vibrant city of Las Vegas.

Looking ahead, Westerlund envisions this partnership evolving into a beacon of hope for aspiring hospitality leaders. "I hope to see more future leaders find employment through us," Westerlund says with optimism. "We aim to contribute to their development journey, sharing opportunities and fostering a culture of excellence in hospitality."

At Flyover the journey continues—nurturing talents, fostering dreams, and building a community where every opportunity is a chance to make a difference.

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